Oh boy talk about stress. I got home about 30 minutes ago from school. Leaving school at 8:30 at night is exhausting! Let me see if I can pull this together before I fall asleep. (actually, I wish. I have some things to go over first!)
A Little Bit About Myself:
My name is Donna Glynn. (Kinderglynn) I am a mother of three beautiful children. George 13, Anthony 11, and Ashley 7. They keep me on my toes! I have two dogs that also do a great job making me insane most days. I say that with so much love as Dudley, our lab just pushed past my husband and ran off. So Tom is now chasing after him. Dudley is getting more daring in his ventures to escape. Yesterday he took off up the hill, around the corner and up the other hill! Scary. Anyway, Dudley is our beautiful lab. We are very proud of him because he just lost 10 lbs. (He is doing much better than I am!) Now he only weighs 112! Charlie is our other dog. He is a Chesapeake, Chocolate, Husky mix. He only weighs about 65 lbs. Both are just the sweetest things.
School started for me today and the kids come next Monday. I moved classroom this year and I love my new room even though it is smaller. For some reason it feels more like home. So once I decide where I am going to put everything and what bulletin board goes where I will be super excited!
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
I have been teacher since 1993! I feel so old. My first teaching job was taking over a classroom in Philadelphia as the special ed 4th grade teacher! It was fun at the time, but I love my younger kids. I have also taught 3rd, 2nd and now Kindergarten. I love watching my students grow up. My last class of third graders graduated from High School this year. They are absolutely beautiful and I am so excited for them to start their new adventures in college.
You Might Not Know
Personal: I did gymnastics most of my life and all through college. I loved it. It was a passion of mine and I got to meet so many wonderful people that I am still friends with. I am so happy my daughter now does gymnastics. Here is a video of when I was in college.
Teaching: That I absolutely love sharing ideas and will be forever grateful to all my blogging friends for all the support and help you give me. I can not wait to use all the wonderful ideas that I have seen this year to start my year! I also love presenting. I love to meet new people and make friends. It is one of my favorite things to do.
What are You Looking Forward to Most This Year?
New Beginnings
What Do You Need to Improve On?
I really want to learn how to balance it all better. I love what I do so much and I love creating all the neat things for my classroom, but I also love my kids more than anything in the world. And, I need to sleep in between all that, so a nice balance would be a great thing to be able to do. Which I am sure that will also cut down on my stress levels. haha
What Teaching Supplies Can You Not Do Without?
All of them! Can coffee also count as a teaching supply?