Wow it feels like I have been so out of the blogging world. I have been busy with so many things this year and I still want to do a collage of all the fun things my Kinders did during the last few months of school because I had so many wonderful ideas from so many of you! Look for those pictures coming soon. Thank you for all the wonderful emails about when will I be creating units again. I am going to work on some this summer and hopefully finish some that were already started.
Many people have asked... Where have you been? Well, I want to catch you up. For those of you who do not know, I have three beautiful children. George who is 14, Anthony who turned 12 and Ashley who is 8. They all have so many things going on in their life. (Do you ever feel like your kids have more of a social life than you? Or for that matter, what is a social life anymore? LOL)
George graduated from middle school this year and will be going to the Delaware Military Academy next year. I am so proud of him. He had to be chosen to attend. It is an excellent high school in Delaware, so I couldn't be happier that he will there next year. George wrestles and was on his middle school volley ball team. It was great going and watching him play these sports. Now if I can get him to do his summer reading, I will feel like I can accomplish anything. LOL
Anthony will be moving to middle school next year. Thank goodness his school goes to 8th grade so he will still be at the school he has been in. But middle school, oh my! Anthony plays the alto sax. He loves it. I love going to his concerts and think it is amazing what he does. If it were me, I would probably hold the instrument upside down. I do not know anything about music.
Ashley will be in 3rd grade next year. Do you ever wake up and say, "What happened to the years?" She is my little gymnast. She finished her competition season placing 3rd in the State of Delaware and came in 2nd place on beam. She loves the beam. She will be moving up levels for new competition season. I am so excited for her. She has such a wonderful bunch of girls that she competes with. I thought putting her in a sport would keep her busy and make her tired. LOL Well, I was wrong. She works out over 9 hours a week and is still going strong. I would like to have just a little bit of that energy.
Dudley, Charlie & Tanner our wonderful dogs have kept us busy too. We have been fostering dogs and have found it to be the most wonderful experience. Dudley and Charlie were our dogs. Tanner came to us in the beginning of February. We are still fostering her and she has become such a part of our family. We love her so much. To think that she was about to be put to sleep because she was in a high kill shelter and only had hours left makes my stomach turn. She truly is such a sweet dog and has been such a great addition to our family. Since we Tanner was so great, we decided to try fostering and since then we have had 4 more dogs come and go. People ask all the time, "How do you do it?" It is very sad to see them go because they are so beautiful, but knowing that you made a difference and they are going to a home that will love them and treat them well is the most rewarding feeling. We had 2 black lab puppies. They were so much fun. They were both adopted and the little girl lives around the corner from us and the little boy moved up north. After the puppies, we had two beautiful 4 year old labs. They were sisters. One was a yellow lab and the other was a chocolate lab. Millie and Lily. OMG gorgeous. They were adopted together and also moved up north. If you are ever interested in adopting or fostering let me know. Check out facebook too because there are so many shelters and rescues that need help. Do you know in some shelters it only costs 10 dollars to adopt a dog. Many are purebred too.
Needless to say, all these activities sure did keep me busy this year. My goal this summer is to get everything organized and get back to creating my printables. I love doing them, but I really just needed a couple of months to do some other things for awhile. I am looking forward to vacation and enjoying the summer. This was the first summer in MANY years I will not be presenting at any conferences. I wish I was going to Vegas this summer to catch up with all of you, but I need some much needed family time with my little ones. When I told Anthony last year that I would not present at any conferences, he was so excited I would be home and with him for the entire summer. I never realize that he felt that way. I do now want to wake up one day and wish I had been home more. So my wishes go out to all of you and know that I am there in spirit. Have a drink for me!!!!
I want to thank all of you for support! I do not know what I would do without my bloggy friends. You all rock!!