Back to School
Although it does not seem possible to even start to think about Back to School, for most of us it is happening sooner than we think. Are you tired of doing the same things? Thinking of changing it up a bit?
My girls at Freebielicious and I have teamed up with Educents with some instant downloads for you! Loaded with great products for back to school including book studies, craftivities, classroom prep, and content materials for back to school! With 23 instant downloads... you have to check it out!
Click on any picture to be taken to Educents to see all the wonderful products.

My product included will surely be loved by your students!
For a limited time it is $34.99 from Educents which is 68% off! Twenty-three products for your kinder and first grade classrooms and over 1200 pages of materials from some of your favorite teachers! It's a bundle you are sure to LOVE!
This unit has over 13 centers and and over 150 pages of fun for the first few days of school. Here is what is included in this unit. I LOVE the magical math wheel!
In the Packet:
Roll a Capital or Lower Case Letter
Roll the dice and decide whether the letter in each column is capital or lower case and write it in the correct column on the recording sheet.
Help Chester Find the Missing Letter
Use the letter cards to fill in the missing blanks. Record your answers on the answer sheet.
3 different sets.
Set 1 beginning letter missing.
Set 2 middle letter missing.
Set 3 ending letter missing.
What Does Chester See Book
Read and color this emergent reader about what Chester sees in school.
What Does Chester See Color Big Book
Use this book as the color version of the emergent reader black and white copy and/or copy and paste the pages into your smart board and read it together as a class. There are two different versions for you to decided which one you like best.
What Does Chester See? Pocket Chart
Cut out and laminate the pocket chart pieces and have the children read them together, mix them up and put them back to together again. There are two different sizes for you to use.
Chester Meets Kinder Cat Emergent Reader Color Book
Chester and Kinder Cat wear colorful shoes. Color their shoes the correct color.
Chester Learns to Write His Numbers.
Help Chester learn how to write his numbers.
Chester Learns How to Write his Letters
Help Chester learn how to write his letters.
Chester's Magical Math Wheel (my favorite!)
Surprise your class with this magic trick. They choose a number and you will be able to guess it every time. What a great way to calm those first day jitters by having your little one think your classroom is magical and better yet, their teacher is magical.
Help Chester Match Upper and Lower Case Letters's stomach.
Roll and Match Chester
Roll the dice and cover up the number you rolled on the game board.
Roll and Record with Chester
Roll the dice and write the number you rolled on the game board.
Roll and Cover
Roll the dice and cover up the number.
Check out these other great products by my Freebielicious Friends!

Take a moment to take a peek at some of the other teachers featured in this bundle - what that have going on for back to school and what they are featuring in this deal too!
And a little reminder that early mornings are about to start! Gotta love Margaret!