So, I absolutely LOVE this. I have it hanging in my room and my kids use it all the time. I bought it for 1.00 off TPT. I love how the students can use their fingers and trace around to make the addition problem. The follow up worksheets are fabulous.

so cute and such a good idea!
Isn't it adorable!
It is adorable. I love rainbows. Makes me wish I taught math. BTW, I was excited when I saw you were my 140th follower. I've followed your blog for a while and am an admirer. :)
Ms. M
Thanks so much. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I know I have become a follower of blogs and then when I go to that blog it tells me I am not and I have to do it all over again. I am signing in with google and everything. I guess I will eventually get it. LOL My kids really like the rainbow addition.
I think the same thing has happened to me with a couple of blogs. At one point I wondered if there was a limit to how many blogs you could follow & if you went over it bumped some off your list but I never figured it out.
Ms. M
LOVE! This will HAVE to go in my rainbow unit for next year!!! I'm putting it on my wish list right now!! You can check out my rainbow unit here:
Thanks for sharing!!
Little Warriors
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