Monday, June 13, 2011

A Giveaway Galore (are you sure you have room for all this?)

Ok, are you sure you have enough room on your computer for all these fantastic things? Anna from Crazy for First Grade, Melissa from Mrs. Freshwater's Class, Erica from Erica Bohrer's First Grade, Michelle Oakes from Fabulous in First, Amanda from One Extra Degree, Cara from The First Grade Parade and myself, Kinderglynn have teamed up to offer you ALL these fabulous units and games! This is HUGE!
Drawing will be held Sunday night at 10:00 est.

There are 5 ways to enter!

One Entry for Following all our blogs
One Entry for Following all our TPT stores
One Entry for Following all our Facebook Pages
One Entry for Putting all our Buttons on your blog
One Entry for Reposting this giveaway on your blog or facebook page

Please leave a comment for each one you have completed. I have put links under each person's giveaway. Their buttons are located on their blogs.
Have fun and GOOD LUCK!


1 – 200 of 484   Newer›   Newest»
1 Busy Bee said...

Awesome Give Away! I already follow all your blogs!

2 Busy Bee said...

I follow all TPT stores already! Great stuff!


3 Busy Bee said...

Liked or became friends with all FB pages except Cara who didn't have one!

4 Teaching with Grace said...

I follow each of the blogs!

5 Teaching with Grace said...

I 'liked' each of the Facebook pages available!

6 Teaching with Grace said...

I follow each of the TPT pages!

7 Mrs. Carson said...

I follow each of the blogs! :)

8 Mrs. Carson said...

I follow each of the TPT stores. :)

9 Mrs. Carson said...

I liked the facebook pages available. :)

10 Mrs. Carson said...

I posted buttons on my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I follow all of the blogs

Primary Connections

Anonymous said...

I follow all of the TPT stores

13 Mrs. Carson said...

I reposted this giveaway on my blog. :)

14 Jess said...

I follow all of your blogs!

15 Jess said...

I follow all of your TPTs!

16 Jess said...

I'm reposting about this fantastic giveaway on my blog!

17 Becky said...

Wow! What a giveaway! I follow all of your TpT stores!

18 Becky said...

I also follow all of the blogs!

19 Becky said...

I also follow all of you on facebook!

20 Unknown said...

I follow all your awesome blogs =) jennifer

21 Heather said...

I follow all your wonderful blogs :) heather

22 Kristin Young said...

I already follow all of your blogs!

Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

23 Kristin Young said...

And I follow all of your TpT stores...

Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

24 Kristin Young said...

And now you can find all of your buttons here:

Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

Feel free to grab mine too! ;)

25 Teachfirst said...

I just started to follow all of you and enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas!!



26 Heather said...

I follow you all!
Kinder By Golly

27 Heather said...

I follow all of you on TPT- Great Stuff!
Kinder By Golly

Anonymous said...

I follow all your blogs!

Anonymous said...

I follow all of your TpT store!

Anonymous said...

I follow everyone's facebook page!

31 Dana Baker said...

I follow all of your blogs!

Anonymous said...

I posted about your Huge Giveaway-- Thank you!

Primary Connections

33 Tami said...

I follow all of your blogs!

34 Tami said...

I follow all of your TPT stores!

35 Mrs. I said...

I follow all of your blogs!

Cathy I.

36 Mrs. I said...

I follow all the TpT stores!

Cathy I.

37 Mrs. I said...

I like all the facebook pages.

Cathy I.

38 Elizabeth said...

Wow! Amazing give away! I already follow all of your blogs!


39 Heather said...

I grabbed all the buttons except First Grade Parade because there wasn't one~
Kinder By Golly

40 Laurie said...

I follow all of your blogs! Love them!

41 Laurie said...

I follow all of your tpt sites! Very cool!

42 Heather said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
Kinder By Golly

43 Laurie said...

I follow all of your fb pages!

44 Jenn Bates said...

I follow all your blogs!

45 Cindy said...

I follow all of your WONDERFUL blogs! :o)


46 Christi said...

Wow ~ What an awesome giveaway! I follow all your blogs, your TPT stores, and liked or friend-requested all those that had FB pages!

47 Cindy said...

Everyone listed is on my favorite sellers list at Tpt!! :o)


48 Cindy said...

I follow your Facebook pages as well! :o)


49 Jennifer said...

I follow all of your blogs now.

50 Jennifer said...

I follow all of your TPT stores.

51 Jennifer said...

I "liked" everyone that had a Facebook page.

52 Meredith said...

What a cool giveaway! I follow all of your blogs.


53 Unknown said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Also, mine is a brand new Kinder blog, branched off from my personal blog. I would love some followers. =)

54 Unknown said...

I follow all of your blogs!

55 Unknown said...

I follow all of your TpT stores!

56 Unknown said...

I grabbed all of your buttons!

57 Unknown said...

I like all of your facebook pages!

58 Mrs. Saoud said...

I follow everyones blog.

Primary Graffiti

59 Mrs. Saoud said...

I follow everyones TpT store.

Primary Graffiti

60 Lyday Family said...

I follow everyone's TPT stores. :)

61 Lyday Family said...

I am also following everyone's blog

62 Jodi said...

I follow everyone's blog!


63 Sandra Guntorius said...

I follow everyone's blog.

64 Sandra Guntorius said...

I follow everyone's blog.

65 Sandra Guntorius said...

I follow everyone's blog.

66 Sandra Guntorius said...

I follow everyone's blog.

67 Sandra Guntorius said...

I follow everyone's blog.

68 Becki said...

I follow all the blogs.

69 Becki said...

I'm following everyone's store at TpT.

70 Becki said...

I'm following everyone's (available) facebook page.

71 Becki said...

I posted about the giveaway on my facebook page.

72 Mrs. Lofgren said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
73 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow the First Grade Parade TPT! :)

74 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow the Crazy for First Grade blog! :)

75 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow the Crazy for First Grade TPT store! :)

76 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Crazy for First Grade on FB! :)

77 Ashley said...

I follow all your TPT stores.

I follow all your blogs.

I am following on facebook.

I have added all your buttons as well!! :)

78 Ashley said...

I also just added your giveaway to my blog!! ;)


79 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Mrs. Freshwater's Class blog! :)

80 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Mrs. Freshwater's Class TPT store! :)

81 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Mrs. Freshwater's Class on FB! :)

82 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Erica's First Grade blog! :)

83 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Erica's TPT store! :)

84 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow Erica's FB page! :)

85 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I already follow Fabulous in First! :)

86 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I am already following Michelle's Fabulous in First TPT store! :)

87 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I now follow One Extra Degree! :)

88 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow One Extra Degree's TPT store! :)

89 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I follow One Extra Degree's FB page! :)

90 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I already follow your fabulous Kinderglynn blog! :)

91 Maureen said...

I follow Kinderglynn.

Blue Hen Teacher

92 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I have purchased some of your units and you are already on my favorite seller's list at TPT! :)

93 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I already follow the Kinderglynn FB page! :)

94 Maureen said...

I follow First Grade Parade

Blue Hen Teacher

95 Maureen said...

I follow Crazy for First Grade

Blue Hen Teacher

96 Maureen said...

I follow Mrs. Freshwater's Class

Blue Hen Teacher

97 Maureen said...

I follow Erica Bohrer.

Blue Hen Teacher

98 Maureen said...

I follow Fabulous in First

Blue Hen Teacher

99 Maureen said...

I follow One Extra Degree

Blue Hen Teacher

100 Alyson said...

I follow all of the blogs!

101 Alyson said...

I also follow all of the TPT stores!

102 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I added all of you buttons to my blog! :)

103 Alyson said...

I follow all of your facebook pages now!

104 Maureen said...

I posted on my (very new!) blog. :-)

Blue Hen Teacher

105 Mrs. Lofgren said...

I blogged about your fantastic give-away! :)

106 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow all your blogs!
I just found out I am going to Kindergarten; I really hope I will win!
kellybrown28021 at gmail dot com

107 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow all your facebook pages!
I just found out I am going to Kindergarten; I really hope I will win!
kellybrown28021 at gmail dot com

108 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow all your Tpt stores!
I just found out I am going to Kindergarten; I really hope I will win!
kellybrown28021 at gmail dot com

109 Debra said...

I follow all your blogs!

110 Debra said...

I follow all your TpT stores!

111 Debra said...

I like all available facebook pages!

112 Debra said...

I have "grabbed" all your buttons!

113 Debra said...

I blogged about this amazing giveaway!

114 Mrs. Brown said...

I shared this giveaway on my fb page!
kelly Beam Brown
kellybrown28021 at gmail dot com

115 teachertam said...

I follow your FB.

116 teachertam said...

I follow your blog.

117 teachertam said...

I shared the contest on my FB.

118 Jennifer said...

I follow everyone's blog and FB page..NOT TPT...I can't go on that site till pay day!!!!

119 Erin Lukas said...

I am now following all of these blogs and their TpT stores! I had quite a few of these blogs on my faves list already!! Great products in the TpT stores!!

120 Jenny said...

I follow all of these wonderful blogs!

121 Jenny said...

I follow all of these awesome teachers on TPT!

122 JulieK said...

I follow all of your blogs! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas.

123 JulieK said...

I also follow all of you at TPT.

124 JulieK said...

I follow your facebook pages, too.

125 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

I follow all of your fabulous blogs! :)

126 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

I follow all of your TpT stores :)

127 Jessica said...

I am following all of the blogs

128 Jessica said...

I liked and will follow all of the facebook pages available

129 Jessica said...

I am following all of your TpT stores

130 Trisha said...

I am following your blog, LOVE it!

131 Mrs. McHaffie said...

I follow all your blogs!!!

132 Mrs. McHaffie said...

I follow and purchase items from EACH of your TPT stores!!

133 Mrs. McHaffie said...

I just "liked" all the Facebook pages available!

134 Mrs. McHaffie said...

I'm grabbing your buttons RIGHT NOW!!!!! :) Maybe you'll grab mine too?! :)

Beg, Borrow, Steal

135 Trisha said...

I am now following ALL the blogs!! So excited!

136 Trisha said...

Now following ALL TPT stores!

137 First Grade Frolics said...

WOW! I am super excited! I follow all the TPT stores!

138 First Grade Frolics said...

I follow all the blogs too!

139 First Grade Frolics said...

I "liked" them all on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I follow of the blogs!

Anonymous said...

I liked all of the Facebook pages!

Anonymous said...

I follow all of your TPT stores!

143 Unknown said...

I follow y'all! :)
Teaching Happily Ever After

144 Unknown said...

I follow all of the TPT stores! :)
Teaching Happily Ever After

145 Mrs. Saoud said...

Everyone with a Facebook pages is liked and friends!

Primary Graffiti

146 Mrs. Saoud said...

I've posted about the giveaway on Facebook.

Primary Graffiti

147 Jo, aka, The Book Bug said...

I follow all of the blogs. =)

148 Kristy said...

I posted about this giveaway on my blog!

149 Jo, aka, The Book Bug said...

I've "Like"d all FB pages. =)

150 Angela W. said...

I follow all seven blogs!
Just Love Teaching!

151 Angela W. said...

I follow everyone's TpT store now!
Just Love Teaching!

152 Chrissy said...

I follow all of the blogs!


153 Angela W. said...

Everyone's button can be found on my blog now!
Just Love Teaching!

154 Jo, aka, The Book Bug said...

I posted about this giveaway on FB...twice! =)

155 terep711 said...

Pick me! I'm a follower!

156 Kristy said...

I am a follower of each blog!

157 Kristy said...

I added each button to my blog!

158 Kristy said...

I also liked each FB page!

159 Kristy said...

I'm following everyone on TPT!

160 Mel D said...

I follow all of your blogs & I <3 them! Please follow me too!

Mel D

Oh the Places We’ll Go

161 Mel D said...

I follow all of your TPT stores!

Mel D

Oh the Places We’ll Go

162 Mel D said...

I posted on my blog about your sale!

Mel D

Oh the Places We’ll Go

163 Mel D said...

I also like all your FB pages!

Mel D

Oh the Places We’ll Go

164 terep711 said...

Great idea! I've discovered a few new blogs today! Now I'll never get off the computer!:). I'm following everyone!

165 Tiffani said...

I follow all your blogs
Time 4 Kindergarten

166 Kindergarten Whale Tales said...

What a great giveaway! I follow each of these blogs now.

Kindergarten Whale Tales

167 Tiffani said...

I follow all of the TPT stores
Time 4 Kindergarten

168 Kindergarten Whale Tales said...

I follow each of the TpT stores.

Kindergarten Whale Tales

169 Tiffani said...

I liked all the FB pages
Time 4 Kindergarten

170 Kindergarten Whale Tales said...

I have "liked" each of these Facebook pages.

Kindergarten Whale Tales

171 Tiffani said...

I posted on Facebook
Time 4 Kindergarten

172 weety said...

I follow all of these great blogs!

173 weety said...

I follow all the tpt stores, too!

174 weety said...

I "like" everyone on FB!

175 Rachel said...

I follow all of the blogs!

176 Rachel said...

I follow all of the TPT stores, wish list time!

177 The Britt Family said...

I love all of your blogs, TPT stores and facebook pages!! Great ideas!! I love being a teacher:)

178 Rachel said...

I blogged about the "Giveaway of the Summer!"

179 Stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
180 Stephanie said...

I follow everybody's blog.

181 Stephanie said...

I follow everyone's TPT Store.

182 Ally said...

I follow all the blogs and tpt!

183 Stephanie said...

I "liked" everyone who has a Facebook page.

184 Stephanie said...

I posted this on my own Facebook page!!

185 Jen said...

I follow all your wonderful blogs!!


186 Jen said...

I "like" everyone who has a facebook page.


187 Megan said...

I follow all your blogs!

188 spencekatie said...

Awesome giveaway!! I follow all of your blogs!


189 Cheree' said...

Awesome giveaway! I follow all of your blogs.

190 spencekatie said...

I follow or am friends with everyone who has a facebook page. :)


191 Cheree' said...

I also follow all of you TpT stores.

192 Cheree' said...

I "like" all of the Facebook pages too.

193 spencekatie said...

I follow everyone on TpT. So many great units!!


194 Miss Kindergarten said...

I follow all of your blogs and love them all!!! Thanks for this great opportunity to win your fabulous products!

Miss Kindergarten

195 Conchy said...

Hi! I follow ALL your blogs!


196 Conchy said...

I follow ALL of your stores at TpT.


197 Conchy said...

If you guys have a FB page, I follow it!


198 ttsommer said...

I follow you all, follow your TPT stores, and your facebook pages. So excited!

199 Laura said...

I follow all of your blogs! Thanks!!!

200 Laura said...

I follow all of your TPT stores!! Can't wait!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 484   Newer› Newest»